Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Appeal For The Second Case

The following is a hastily made copy of the appeal filing that Ed (the lawyer) filed on December 10th, 2012.  The appeal is for the second case (not the first case, which was PeaceCamp2010 specific).  In the second case, I was convicted and sentenced to two years (currently suspended), for protesting the criminalization of sleep and for protesting the criminalization of protest itself (#MakingProtestACrimeIsACrime).

I haven't read this appeal (I only marked it up, hastily, any errors of transcription are mine).  While I am not yet familiar with the contents, my impression is that some of what I wanted (such as asserting the right to sleep as a positive right (thank you India!)) did make it into the filing (it has been a bit contentious, and I am not a lawyer, so I don't have much say, when it comes to filings).

Anyway, I would like to publicly thank Ed Frey.  It hasn't been easy.  It remains a long struggle.  If both cases fail in the higher courts (AKA I am (almost) exhausted), my hope is that the effort might encourage and assist any future attempts, until sleep is legal, or consent is withdrawn.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Matter Of Taste

Chris (AKA Commander X) is in the news, again.

Some of that story is the story of PeaceCamp2010. That is where I met Chris, protesting the criminalization of sleep in Santa Cruz, California, in July, 2010. But that isn't the story I am going to tell right now. I am going to fill in some of the gaps in the Ars Technica article...